135 publications
December 2020 | COLING

100,000 Podcasts: A Spoken English Document Corpus

Ann Clifton, Sravana Reddy, Yongze Yu, Aasish Pappu, Rezvaneh Rezapour, Hamed Bonab, Maria Eskevich, Gareth Jones, Jussi Karlgren, Ben Carterette, Rosie Jones

December 2020 | NeuRIPS

Model Selection for Production System via Automated Online Experiments

Zhenwen Dai, Praveen Chandar, Ghazal Fazelnia, Benjamin Carterette, Mounia Lalmas

October 2020 | CIKM

Query Understanding for Surfacing Under-served Music Content

Federico Tomasi, Rishabh Mehrotra, Aasish Pappu, Judith Bütepage, Brian Brost, Hugo Galvão, Mounia Lalmas

October 2020 | ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference

“Play Music”: User Motivations and Expectations for Non-specific Voice Queries

Jennifer Thom, Angela Nazarian, Ruth Brillman, Henriette Cramer, Sarah Mennicken

October 2020 | ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference

Artist gender representation in music streaming

Avriel Epps-Darling, Romain Takeo Bouyer, Henriette Cramer

September 2020 | PLOS One

The skipping behavior of users of music streaming services and its relation to musical structure

Nicola Montecchio, Pierre Roy, François Pachet

September 2020 | RecSys

Contextual and Sequential User Embeddings for Large-Scale Music Recommendation

Casper Hansen, Christian Hansen, Lucas Maystre, Rishabh Mehrotra, Brian Brost, Federico Tomasi, Mounia Lalmas

September 2020 | RecSys

Inferring the Causal Impact of New Track Releases on Music Recommendation Platforms through Counterfactual Predictions

Rishabh Mehrotra, Prasanta Bhattacharya, Mounia Lalmas

September 2020 | RecSys

Investigating Listeners’ Responses to Divergent Recommendations

Rishabh Mehrotra, Chirag Shah, Benjamin Carterette

August 2020 | KDD

Bandit based Optimization of Multiple Objectives on a Music Streaming Platform

Rishabh Mehrotra, Niannan Xue, Mounia Lalmas

August 2020 | KDD

Advances in Recommender Systems: From Multi-stakeholder Marketplaces to Automated RecSys

Rishabh Mehrotra, Ben Carterette, Yong Li, Quanming Yao, James Tin-Yau Kwok, Isabelle Guyon, Qiang Yang

August 2020 | KDD

Counterfactual Evaluation of Slate Recommendations with Sequential Reward Interactions

Praveen Chandar, James McInerney, Brian Brost, Rishabh Mehrotra, Benjamin Carterette

August 2020 | ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference

Data Cleansing with Contrastive Learning for Vocal Note Event Annotations

Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Rachel Bittner, Simon Durand, Brian Brost

August 2020 | Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)

Stochastic Variational Inference for Dynamic Correlated Topic Models

Federico Tomasi, Praveen Chandar, Gal Levy-Fix, Mounia Lalmas, Zhenwen Dai

July 2020 | SIGIR

Recommending Podcasts for Cold-Start Users Based on Music Listening and Taste

Zahra Nazari, Christophe Charbuillet, Johan Pages, Martin Laurent, Denis Charrier, Briana Vecchione, Ben Carterette

July 2020 | IJCAI - International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Seq-U-Net: A One-Dimensional Causal U-Net for Efficient Sequence Modelling

Daniel Stoller, Mi Tian, Sebastian Ewert, and Simon Dixon

July 2020 | WCCI/IJCNN - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence / International Joint Conference on Neural Networks

Using a Neural Network Codec Approximation Loss to Improve Source Separation Performance in Limited Capacity Networks

Ishwarya Ananthabhotla, Sebastian Ewert, Joseph A. Paradiso

July 2020 | EC

The Engagement-Diversity Connection: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Spotify

David Holtz, Benjamin Carterette, Praveen Chandar, Zahra Nazari, Henriette Cramer, Sinan Aral