November 2019 | ISMIR

Generalized Metrics for Single-F0 Estimation Evaluation

Rachel M. Bittner, Juan J Bosch

November 2019 | ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference

Generalized Metrics for Single-F0 Estimation Evaluation

Rachel M. Bittner, Juan J Bosch

October 2019 | ACM MM - ACM International Conference on Multimedia

Towards a Perceptual Loss: Using a Neural Network Codec Approximation as a Loss for Generative Audio Models

Ishwarya Ananthabhotla, Sebastian Ewert, Joseph A. Paradiso

October 2019 | ISMIR

Query by Video: Cross-modal Music Retrieval

Bochen Li, Aparna Kumar

October 2019 | ISMIR

Deep Unsupervised Drum Transcription

Keunwoo Choi, Kyunghyun Cho

September 2019 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology

An Analysis of Approaches Taken in the ACM RecSys Challenge 2018 for Automatic Music Playlist Continuation

Hamed Zamani, Markus Schedl, Paul Lamere, Ching-Wei Chen

September 2019 | EUSIPCO

Joint Singing Voice Separation and F0 Estimation with Deep U-Net Architectures

Andreas Jansson, Rachel M Bittner, Sebastian Ewert, Tillman Weyde

July 2019 | SIGIR

Developing Evaluation Metrics for Instant Search Using Mixed Methods

Praveen Chandar, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Christine Hosey, Brian St. Thomas, Jennifer Thom

July 2019 | ICASSP

End-to-End Lyrics Alignment for Polyphonic Music Using An Audio-to-Character Recognition Model

Daniel Stoller, Simon Durand, Sebastian Ewert

July 2019 | ICWSM

Environmental Changes and the Dynamics of Musical Identity

Samuel F. Way, Santiago Gil, Ian Anderson, Aaron Clauset

July 2019 | RecSys

Recommendations in a Marketplace

Rishabh Mehrotra, Benjamin Carterette

May 2019 | The Web Conference

Search Mindsets: Understanding Focused and Non-Focused Information Needs in Music Search

Ang Li, Jennifer Thom, Praveen Chandar, Christine Hosey, Brian St. Thomas, Jean Garcia-Gathright.

May 2019 | ICASSP

Neural Music Synthesis for Flexible Timbre Control

Jong Wook Kim, Rachel Bittner, Aparna Kumar, Juan Pablo Bello

April 2019 | CHI

Just give me what I want: How people use and evaluate music search

Christine Hosey, Lara Vujovic, Brian St. Thomas, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Jennifer Thom

April 2019 | CHI extended abstracts

Translation, Tracks & Data: an Algorithmic Bias Effort in Practice

Henriette Cramer, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Sravana Reddy, Avriel Epps, Aaron Springer, Romain Takeo Bouyer

March 2019 | The Web Conference

The Music Streaming Sessions Dataset

Brian Brost, Rishabh Mehrotra, Tristan Jehan

March 2019 | The Web Conference

Deriving User- and Content-specific Rewards for Contextual Bandits

Paolo Dragone, Rishabh Mehrotra, Mounia Lalmas

March 2019 | The Web Conference

Jointly Leveraging Intent and Interaction Signals to Predict User Satisfaction with Slate Recommendations

Rishabh Mehrotra, Mounia Lalmas, Doug Kenney, Thomas Lim-Meng, Golli Hashemian

February 2019 | WSDM

Offline Evaluation to Make Decisions About PlaylistRecommendation Algorithms

Alois Gruson, Praveen Chandar, Christophe Charbuillet, James McInerney,Samantha Hansen, Damien Tardieu, Ben Carterette

January 2019 | IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

An Introduction to Signal Processing for Singing-Voice Analysis: High Notes in the Effort to Automate the Understanding of Vocals in Music

Eric J. Humphrey, Sravana Reddy, Prem Seetharaman, Aparna Kumar, Rachel M. Bittner, Andrew Demetriou, Sankalp Gulati, Andreas Jansson, Tristan Jehan, Bernhard Lehner, Anna Krupse, Luwei Yang