Neural Music Synthesis for Flexible Timbre Control


The recent success of raw audio waveform synthesis models like WaveNet motivates a new approach for music synthesis, in which the entire process — creating audio samples from a score and instrument information — is modeled using generative neural networks. This paper describes a neural music synthesis model with flexible timbre controls, which consists of a recurrent neural network conditioned on a learned instrument embedding followed by a WaveNet vocoder. The learned embedding space successfully captures the diverse variations in timbres within a large dataset and enables timbre control and morphing by interpolating between instruments in the embedding space. The synthesis quality is evaluated both numerically and perceptually, and an interactive web demo is presented.


May 2024 | The Web Conference

Personalized Audiobook Recommendations at Spotify Through Graph Neural Networks

Marco De Nadai, Francesco Fabbri, Paul Gigioli, Alice Wang, Ang Li, Fabrizio Silvestri, Laura Kim, Shawn Lin, Vladan Radosavljevic, Sandeep Ghael, David Nyhan, Hugues Bouchard, Mounia Lalmas-Roelleke, Andreas Damianou

May 2024 | The Web Conference (GFM workshop)

Towards Graph Foundation Models for Personalization

Andreas Damianou, Francesco Fabbri, Paul Gigioli, Marco De Nadai, Alice Wang, Enrico Palumbo, Mounia Lalmas

April 2024 | ICLR

In-context Exploration-Exploitation for Reinforcement Learning

Zhenwen Dai, Federico Tomasi, Sina Ghiassian