Contextualized Recommendations Through Personalized Narratives using LLMs Language Technologies Machine Learning
PODTILE: Facilitating Podcast Episode Browsing with Auto-generated Chapters Language Technologies Machine Learning
Exploring Local Music’s Place in Global Streaming Human-Computer Interaction Search & Recommendations
Personalizing Audiobooks and Podcasts with graph-based models Machine Learning Search & Recommendations
In-context Exploration-Exploitation for Reinforcement Learning Machine Learning Reinforcement Learning
Accelerating Creator Audience Building through Centralized Exploration Machine Learning Search & Recommendations
Which Witch? Artist name disambiguation and catalog curation using audio and metadata Machine Learning
Exploiting Sequential Music Preferences via Optimisation-Based Sequencing Search & Recommendations User Modeling
Graph Learning for Exploratory Query Suggestions in an Instant Search System Language Technologies Search & Recommendations
LLark: A Multimodal Foundation Model for Music Audio Intelligence Language Technologies Machine Learning
Audio-based Machine Learning Model for Podcast Language Identification Audio Intelligence Language Technologies Machine Learning
Automatic Music Playlist Generation via Simulation-based Reinforcement Learning Machine Learning Search & Recommendations User Modeling
Improving Retrievability in Search with Query Generation Language Technologies Search & Recommendations
Estimating long-term effects when only short-run experiments are available Machine Learning Uncategorized