Temporally-Consistent Survival Analysis


We study survival analysis in the dynamic setting: We seek to model the time to an event of interest given sequences of states. Taking inspiration from temporal-difference learning, a central idea in reinforcement learning, we develop algorithms that estimate a discrete-time survival model by exploiting a temporal-consistency condition. Intuitively, this condition captures the fact that the survival distribution at consecutive states should be similar, accounting for the delay between states. Our method can be combined with any parametric survival model and naturally accommodates right-censored observations. We demonstrate empirically that it achieves better sample-efficiency and predictive performance compared to approaches that directly regress the observed survival outcome.


May 2024 | The Web Conference

Personalized Audiobook Recommendations at Spotify Through Graph Neural Networks

Marco De Nadai, Francesco Fabbri, Paul Gigioli, Alice Wang, Ang Li, Fabrizio Silvestri, Laura Kim, Shawn Lin, Vladan Radosavljevic, Sandeep Ghael, David Nyhan, Hugues Bouchard, Mounia Lalmas-Roelleke, Andreas Damianou

May 2024 | The Web Conference (GFM workshop)

Towards Graph Foundation Models for Personalization

Andreas Damianou, Francesco Fabbri, Paul Gigioli, Marco De Nadai, Alice Wang, Enrico Palumbo, Mounia Lalmas

April 2024 | ICLR

In-context Exploration-Exploitation for Reinforcement Learning

Zhenwen Dai, Federico Tomasi, Sina Ghiassian