148 publications
April 2018 | IJMIR - International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval

Current challenges and visions in music recommender systems research

Markus Schedl, Hamed Zamani, Ching-Wei Chen, Yashar Deldjoo, Mehdi Elahi

October 2017 | ISMIR

Mining Labeled Data from Web-Scale Collections for Vocal Activity Detection in Music

Eric J. Humphrey, Nicola Montecchio, Rachel Bittner, Andreas Jansson, Tristan Jehan

October 2017 | ISMIR

Singing Voice Separation with Deep U-Net Convolutional Networks

Andreas Jansson, Eric J. Humphrey, Nicola Montecchio, Rachel Bittner, Aparna Kumar, Tillman Weyde

October 2017 | ISMIR

Automatic Playlist Sequencing and Transitions

Rachel Bittner, Minwei Gu, Gandalf Hernandez, Eric J. Humphrey, Tristan Jehan, P. Hunter McCurry, Nicola Montecchio

September 2017 | Multimedia Tools and Applications

Large-scale user modeling with recurrent neural networks for music discovery on multiple time scales

Cedric De Boom, Rohan Agrawal, Samantha Hansen, Esh Kumar, Romain Yon, Ching-Wei Chen, Thomas Demeester, Bart Dhoedt

August 2017 | ICML Music Discovery Workshop

Learning a large scale vocal similarity embedding for music

Aparna Kumar, Rachel Bittner, Nicola Montecchio, Andreas Jansson, Eric Humphrey, Maria Panteli, Tristan Jehan

March 2017 | AAAI Spring Symposium Workshop on Designing the UX of ML

Not so Autonomous, Very Human Decisions in Machine Learning. AAAI Spring Symposium on UX for ML: Designing the User Experience of Machine Learning Systems.

Henriette Cramer, Jennifer Thom

December 2014 | NIPS Workshop on Distributed Matrix Computations

Logistic Matrix Factorization for Implicit Feedback Data

Chris Johnson