Human-Computer Interaction

15 publications
April 2024 | WEBSCI

A Genre-Based Analysis of New Music Streaming at Scale

Julie Jiang, Aditiya Ponnada, Ang Li, Ben Lacker, and Samuel F Way

May 2023 | CHI

Minimizing change aversion through mixed methods research: a case study of redesigning Spotify’s Your Library

Ingrid Pettersson, Carl Fredriksson, Raha Dadgar, John Richardson, Lisa Shields, Duncan McKenzie

March 2023 | Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)

Enabling Goal-Focused Exploration of Podcasts in Interactive Recommender Systems

Yu Liang, Aditya Ponnada, Paul Lamere, Nediyana Daskalova

September 2022 | Interspeech

Exploring audio-based stylistic variation in podcasts

Katariina Martikainen, Jussi Karlgren, Khiet Truong

March 2022 | Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)

TastePaths: Enabling deeper exploration and understanding of personal preferences in recommender systems

Savvas Petridis, Nediyana Daskalova, Sarah Mennicken, Samuel F. Way, Paul Lamere, Jennifer Thom

October 2021 | CSCW

Let Me Ask You This: How Can a Voice Assistant Elicit Explicit User Feedback?

Ziang Xiao, Sarah Mennicken, Bernd Huber, Adam Shonkoff, Jennifer Thom

May 2021 | CHI

Towards Fairness in Practice: A Practitioner-Oriented Rubric for Evaluating Fair ML Toolkits

Brianna Richardson, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Samuel F. Way, Jennifer Thom, Henriette Cramer

October 2020 | ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference

“Play Music”: User Motivations and Expectations for Non-specific Voice Queries

Jennifer Thom, Angela Nazarian, Ruth Brillman, Henriette Cramer, Sarah Mennicken

July 2020 | Designing Interactive Systems

Using Remote Controlled Speech Agents to Explore Music Experience in Context

Nik Martalero, Sarah Mennicken, Jennifer Thom, Henriette Cramer, Wendy Ju

May 2020 | CHI

Giving Voice to Silent Data: Designing with Personal Music Listening History

Jordan Wirfs-Brock, Sarah Mennicken, Jennifer Thom

November 2019 | ISMIR

Augmenting Music Listening Experiences on Voice Assistants

Morteza Behrooz, Sarah Mennicken, Rohit Kumar, Henriette Cramer, Jennifer Thom

May 2019 | The Web Conference

Search Mindsets: Understanding Focused and Non-Focused Information Needs in Music Search

Ang Li, Jennifer Thom, Praveen Chandar, Christine Hosey, Brian St. Thomas, Jean Garcia-Gathright.

April 2019 | CHI

Just give me what I want: How people use and evaluate music search

Christine Hosey, Lara Vujovic, Brian St. Thomas, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Jennifer Thom

January 2019 | Nature Human Behaviour

Global Music Streaming Data Reveals Robust Diurnal and Seasonal Patterns of Affective Preference

Minsu Park, Jennifer Thom, Sarah Mennicken, Henriette Cramer, Michael Macy

March 2017 | AAAI Spring Symposium Workshop on Designing the UX of ML

Not so Autonomous, Very Human Decisions in Machine Learning. AAAI Spring Symposium on UX for ML: Designing the User Experience of Machine Learning Systems.

Henriette Cramer, Jennifer Thom