June 2022 | ICWSM

The Contribution of Lyrics and Acoustics to Collaborative Understanding of Mood

Shahrzad Nazeri, Sravana Reddy, Joana Correia, Jussi Karlgren, Rosie Jones

June 2022 | ICWSM

Time after Time: Longitudinal Trends in Nostalgic Listening

Clara Hanson, Jesse Anderton, Samuel F. Way, Ian Anderson, Scott Wolf, Alice Wang

June 2022 | ICWSM

The Dynamics of Exploration on Spotify

Lillio Mok, Samuel F. Way, Lucas Maystre, Ashton Anderson

May 2022 | ICASSP

Few-shot musical source separation

Yu Wang, Daniel Stoller, Rachel M. Bittner, Juan Pablo Bello

May 2022 | ICASSP

A Lightweight Instrument-Agnostic Model for Polyphonic Note Transcription and Multipitch Estimation

Rachel Bittner, Juan José Bosch, David Rubinstein, Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Sebastian Ewert

May 2022 | ICASSP

Improving Lyrics Alignment through Joint Pitch Detection

Jiawen Huang, Emmanouil Benetos, Sebastian Ewert

April 2022 | The Web Conference (WWW)

Sequential Recommendation via Stochastic Self-Attention

Ziwei Fan, Zhiwei Liu, Alice Wang, Zahra Nazari, Lei Zheng, Hao Peng, Philip S. Yu

April 2022 | The Web Conference (WWW)

Using Survival Models to Estimate Long-Term Engagement in Online Experiments

Praveen Chandar, Brian St. Thomas, Lucas Maystre, Vijay Pappu, Roberto Sanchis-Ojeda, Tiffany Wu, Ben Carterette, Mounia Lalmas, Tony Jebara

April 2022 | The Web Conference (WWW)

Choice of Implicit Signal Matters: Accounting for User Aspirations in Podcast Recommendations

Zahra Nazari, Praveen Chandar, Ghazal Fazelnia, Catie Edrwards, Ben Carterette, Mounia Lalmas

April 2022 | The Web Conference (WWW)

Mostra: A Flexible Balancing Framework to Trade-off User, Artist and Platform Objectives for Music Sequencing

Emanuele Bugliarello, Rishabh Mehrotra, James Kirk, Mounia Lalmas

March 2022 | Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)

TastePaths: Enabling deeper exploration and understanding of personal preferences in recommender systems

Savvas Petridis, Nediyana Daskalova, Sarah Mennicken, Samuel F. Way, Paul Lamere, Jennifer Thom

February 2022 | WSDM

Variational User Modeling with Slow and Fast Features

Ghazal Fazelnia, Eric Simon, Ian Anderson, Ben Carterette, Mounia Lalmas

November 2021 | ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference

Multi-Task Learning of Graph-based Inductive Representations of Music Content

Antonia Saravanou, Federico Tomasi, Rishabh Mehrotra and Mounia Lalmas

November 2021 | CIKM

Leveraging Semantic Information to Facilitate the Discovery of Underserved Podcasts

Maryam Aziz, Alice Wang, Aasish Pappu, Hugues Bouchard,Yu Zhao, Benjamin Carterette and Mounia Lalmas

October 2021 | IEEE Signal Processing Magazine

Audio-Based Musical Version Identification: Elements and challenges

Furkan Yesiler, Guillaume Doras, Rachel M. Bittner, Christopher J. Tralie, Joan Serrà

October 2021 | CSCW

Let Me Ask You This: How Can a Voice Assistant Elicit Explicit User Feedback?

Ziang Xiao, Sarah Mennicken, Bernd Huber, Adam Shonkoff, Jennifer Thom

September 2021 | ECML-PKDD

Gaussian Process Encoders: VAEs with Reliable Latent-Space Uncertainty

Judith Bütepage, Lucas Maystre, Mounia Lalmas

August 2021 | KDD

Neural Instant Search for Music and Podcast

Helia Hashemi, Aasish Pappu, Mi Tian, Praveen Ravichandran, Mounia Lalmas, Ben Carterette

July 2021 | ACL

Modeling Language Usage and Listener Engagement in Podcasts

Sravana Reddy, Mariya Lazarova, Yongze Yu, Rosie Jones