April 2020 | The Web Conference Companion

Leveraging Behavioral Heterogeneity Across Markets for Cross-Market Training of Recommender Systems

Kevin Roitero, Ben Carterrete, Rishabh Mehrotra, Mounia Lalmas

November 2019 | ISMIR

Augmenting Music Listening Experiences on Voice Assistants

Morteza Behrooz, Sarah Mennicken, Rohit Kumar, Henriette Cramer, Jennifer Thom

November 2019 | ISMIR

mirdata: Software for Reproducible Usage of Datasets

Rachel M Bittner, Magdalena Fuentes, David Rubinstein, Andreas Jansson, Keunwoo Choi, Thor Kell

November 2019 | ISMIR

Generalized Metrics for Single-F0 Estimation Evaluation

Rachel M. Bittner, Juan J Bosch

November 2019 | ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference

Generalized Metrics for Single-F0 Estimation Evaluation

Rachel M. Bittner, Juan J Bosch

October 2019 | ACM MM - ACM International Conference on Multimedia

Towards a Perceptual Loss: Using a Neural Network Codec Approximation as a Loss for Generative Audio Models

Ishwarya Ananthabhotla, Sebastian Ewert, Joseph A. Paradiso

October 2019 | ISMIR

Query by Video: Cross-modal Music Retrieval

Bochen Li, Aparna Kumar

October 2019 | ISMIR

Deep Unsupervised Drum Transcription

Keunwoo Choi, Kyunghyun Cho

September 2019 | ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology

An Analysis of Approaches Taken in the ACM RecSys Challenge 2018 for Automatic Music Playlist Continuation

Hamed Zamani, Markus Schedl, Paul Lamere, Ching-Wei Chen

September 2019 | EUSIPCO

Joint Singing Voice Separation and F0 Estimation with Deep U-Net Architectures

Andreas Jansson, Rachel M Bittner, Sebastian Ewert, Tillman Weyde

July 2019 | SIGIR

Developing Evaluation Metrics for Instant Search Using Mixed Methods

Praveen Chandar, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Christine Hosey, Brian St. Thomas, Jennifer Thom

July 2019 | ICASSP

End-to-End Lyrics Alignment for Polyphonic Music Using An Audio-to-Character Recognition Model

Daniel Stoller, Simon Durand, Sebastian Ewert

July 2019 | ICWSM

Environmental Changes and the Dynamics of Musical Identity

Samuel F. Way, Santiago Gil, Ian Anderson, Aaron Clauset

July 2019 | RecSys

Recommendations in a Marketplace

Rishabh Mehrotra, Benjamin Carterette

May 2019 | The Web Conference

Search Mindsets: Understanding Focused and Non-Focused Information Needs in Music Search

Ang Li, Jennifer Thom, Praveen Chandar, Christine Hosey, Brian St. Thomas, Jean Garcia-Gathright.

May 2019 | ICASSP

Neural Music Synthesis for Flexible Timbre Control

Jong Wook Kim, Rachel Bittner, Aparna Kumar, Juan Pablo Bello

April 2019 | CHI

Just give me what I want: How people use and evaluate music search

Christine Hosey, Lara Vujovic, Brian St. Thomas, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Jennifer Thom

April 2019 | CHI extended abstracts

Translation, Tracks & Data: an Algorithmic Bias Effort in Practice

Henriette Cramer, Jean Garcia-Gathright, Sravana Reddy, Avriel Epps, Aaron Springer, Romain Takeo Bouyer

March 2019 | The Web Conference

The Music Streaming Sessions Dataset

Brian Brost, Rishabh Mehrotra, Tristan Jehan

March 2019 | The Web Conference

Deriving User- and Content-specific Rewards for Contextual Bandits

Paolo Dragone, Rishabh Mehrotra, Mounia Lalmas