Categories for Search & Recommendations

RS064 Socially-Motivated Music Recommendation

Socially-Motivated Music Recommendation

June 6, 2024 10:22 am Published by

tldr - The wide variety of reasons people listen to music include both individual motivations, like self-awareness and mood regulation, as well as social motivations, such as demonstrating belonging to a group or feeling connected to friends.

Improving Retrievability in Search with Query Generation

Improving Retrievability in Search with Query Generation

May 4, 2023 9:53 am Published by

Allowing users to discover new entities such as books, music, and movies is an important goal for online platforms. This can be achieved for example by recommending entities that the user has not yet interacted with. Another way users can find new entities is by exploring the catalog with the search system.

Exploring Goal-oriented Podcast Recommendations

Exploring Goal-oriented Podcast Recommendations

March 23, 2023 12:51 pm Published by

Recommender systems typically look to users' past consumption to predict what they may want next. In practice, this approach tends to work best when what the user wants is similar to what they have consumed recently, and when it is relatively easy for that person to evaluate new items.